
Artist Book Dedushka Lёsha

17" x 17" opened.

This artist book was created in memory of my Amazing granddad Lёsha who was an aircraft designer and worked as a lead inventor and engineer with Andrei Tupolev, aeronautical engineer known for his pioneering aircraft designs as the director of the Tupolev Design Bureau.

Artist Book Dedushka Lёsha in the airplane form
Artist Book Dedushka Lёsha in the airplane form

My grandfather miraculously survived the harshest times of Stalin's repressions, living in constant fear of being taken to the camps each night, as many prominent individuals in the USSR were arrested under the cover of darkness before dawn. He stayed and worked in the perilous environment of Moscow during World War II, and afterward, was sent to work in post-war German territories, fully aware of the danger that a surviving Nazi could shoot him at any moment. Amid all this, he carried a family secret: he was related to Bishop Nikita, a relative who had been repressed and executed during the purges, and who was later canonized as a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church in August 2000.

Artist Book Dedushka Lёsha in the airplane form
Artist Book Dedushka Lёsha in the airplane form